I’ve been a bit slack with my good intentions for May blogging! Oops!
Today I’ve put together a cute Wendy look that would be fab for a warm day in the parks!
All the items were available for sale at the time of this blog going live and you can see them by clicking the links below!
Dress – Yours Clothing
Cornflower blue trainers – Vans at Schuh
Hair Bow – JaybeePepper on Etsy
Big Ben Bag – Amazon
I think this is a really cute look that would be really comfy in the parks!
If you want to create a DisneyBound look & would like themed ears, then you can request custom designs in my Etsy store here
Don’t forget, if you recreate any looks, please do let me know! I’m @Queen_Ursula_UK on Twitter and would love to hear from you!
What do you think?