Hey Friends!
We have previously discussed how Plus Size Disney clothing is limited in the U.K. and how annoying this is, especially as customs charges are so high to ship from the US.
Well, over the past few months EMP have made a huge impact on the Disney online community as a company offering Disney clothes from American brands like Hot Topic and Torrid in the U.K and the best news is that those shops make clothes for fatties!
Having now placed a few orders with EMP I wanted to share my experience, so hopefully other Plus Size shoppers can get an idea what they need to look out for when buying from EMP.
The primary shops that EMP offer plus size Disney clothing from are Torrid and Hot Topic. Now, both of these shops do offer plus sizes, however, Hot Topic is Plus Size Junior/ Girls which is a slightly smaller measurement and definitely a different cut than the Torrid range which is standard US plus size.
Below are the two sizing charts of those stores …
Hot Topic sizing Chart

Torrid Size Chart

As you can see there aren’t huge differences in sizes, but the fact that Hot Topic only offer bust sizes in their size 6 shows that they stop making dresses and trousers at a size 5XL. Also, as I said above, I find the cut of Hot Topic items to be slightly different and I think this is because it is aimed at a more ‘teen’ market.
EMP However, offer sizing up to a 7XL – of this very same clothing! The EMP size chart differs once again!
EMP Size Chart

So, for comparison on EMP a size 7XL bust measures 53inches – 55.5inches … which is considerably less than a 6X in Torrid or Hot Topic 😱
Basically, the EMP size guide is rubbish. I have purchased multiple items from the site in sizes 6XL and 7XL which have the same measurements as a 6XL on Torrid! Sooo … working out the plus sizing is a little hit and miss.
The vast majority of items on EMP are still live on the other websites, I find that it is best to compare between the sites and try to work out what sizing you would be from that. If it’s a Torrid item, the 7XL on EMP is usually a 6XL on Torrid, so you can work back from there to figure out your size.
Another issue I have with the website and app is that it’s not easy to find the plus size Disney clothing. The ‘plus size’ search is RUBBISH! Don’t bother using it. I follow this route to search from the home page …
Categories > Women > Clothing > Show all Products > Filtering and Sorting > Size > select 6XL and 7XL ( for my personal size preferences) > Finish > Apply
It’s pretty long winded but it’s the only way I’ve found that works!
I have purchased quite a few items from the EMP app and have been happy with them all. I knew I would be as the quality from Torrid has always been something I have been happy with. I’ve mostly purchased casual/ chilled clothing so far though so don’t have any photos of me in any of it 😂
Instead, here is my current wish list from EMP of items available in my size

I would order each of these in a size 7XL to allow for my chest, but do sometimes find I could have purchased a 6XL.
Do you have your eye on anything at EMP at the moment? Have you had similar issues with the sizing charts?
With Love
Alyssa xx
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