Hi Friends!
It would appear that not everyone is as well planned outfit wise as me for Fandaze weekend … so I thought I’d lend a helping hand to those who may still be wondering what to wear!
I have found that Redbubble have the best selection of items as they carry a lot of fan art, so here are my fave items …
Ducktales Design
Magica Design
Duckberg Design
Louie’s Design
Higher for Hire Design
Darkwing Design
Monterey Jack Design
Rescue Rangers Design
Kuzko Design
No Touchy Design
Roger Rabbit Design
Mike Design
Oswald Design
Just a few selections of my faves to give you an idea.
The majority of these designs are available across a variety of items, T Shirts, Hoodies, Vest Tops, Dresses, Scarves etc .. just search through from the links.
Redbubble often have discount codes and offers so make sure you’re subscribed to the mailing list!
Are you outfit ready for Fandaze?
Lots of Love
Alyssa xx
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