This is the first year in a long time that I’m not attending any festivals, it is really very depressing and not getting tickets for Glastonbury this year was really traumatic for me.
I love live music and the environment and atmosphere of a festival makes me a very happy girl. I love that you can see bands that you’ve never even heard of before and make friends with random strangers in a field that you may then stay in touch with for years to come.
Rain, mud, sweaty tents, long drops and warm alcohol are all part of the experience. I personally enjoy every single aspect of a festival but know that they’re not for everyone.
Festival fashion is a huge consideration as a plus sized girlie, I tend to ensure that I have plenty of leggings and a selection of tops/dresses to go with them dependant on the weather. Having a good waterproof jacket is essential and willies are a godsend in the wetter weather.
If you are going to a festival this year, here are the essentials that I cannot live without …
Dr Marten Drench Boots – I struggle to find wellies that go over my calves so these are my wellies of choice, I have the pink ones but they come in such an amazing variety and are super comfy that I can’t festival without them!
Pac a Mac – Simply be do a wide selection of Pac a Mac’s and waterproof jackets all of the way up to a size 34 so it is definitely where I would head to grab mine.
Painkillers – Whether it’s to ward off a hangover that you’re not willing to drink through or to help you to combat painful festival feet. You will probably need a painkiller or two during your festival experience, don’t travel without them!
Socks – Your feet will get wet if it rains, a change of socks can be a lifesaver when you’re feeling groggy and damp. It always amazes me how something as simple as putting on dry socks can make you feel like a new person.
Festival Bag – My Zatchels saddle bag is the best festival bag I have ever owned. You need something small and wearable but that has a good closure for that extra security. I keep anything that I’m not happy to leave in my tent in my bag so, phone, keys and money mostly. Remember, never take anything to a festival that you’re not prepared to lose.
Toilet Paper – This speaks for itself really! I always take the moist ones that come in a small packet that fits in your bag, they can also serve a multipurpose and remove your makeup at a pinch.
Sholley – You’re thinking Sholley’s are for old people right? Wrong! My sholley is a festival lifesaver, I can fit everything I need in it – including clothes, booze and the tent can even be strapped to it to be dragged across the fields. Don’t buy a cheap one as you will want to use it more than once I should imagine and make sure that you have large sturdy wheels as it will be dragged across fields!
This is just a short and sweet post about my festival essentials, I do know some people that just turn up with money and a change of pants and sleep where they can. I like to be a bit more organised than that though!

Do you festival?
Alyssa xx